Monday, April 14, 2014

UEB Families Join in the Fun at the 2014 Ronald McDonald House Heart & Sole Walk

Heart and Sole is the second-annual walk to raise friends and funds for Ronald McDonald House Charities of Phoenix. This event is a Ronald McDonald House Charities of Phoenix signature event to raise community awareness and vital funds to support a "home-away-from-home" for thousands of families throughout Arizona, across the country and around the world. UEB would like to thanks the Birch, Boyse and Blanchard families for taking the time to participate in this years event.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Construction is underway on the East Valley Ronald McDonald House at the Campus of Cardon Children's Medical Center

UEB is partnering with Ronald McDonald Charities of Phoenix on our 2nd project together in the last five years to build their 3rd facility in Maricopa County...The Ronald McDonald House on the Campus of Cardon Children's Medical Center. The new 10,225-square foot facility will feature 16 bedrooms, including 3 apartments with kitchens for families with children with suppressed immune systems; a community kitchen and dining room; play area for children and outdoor area for adults. HKS Architects of Phoenix is the project Architect.

Article: East Valley Tribune